The 4th IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2019) will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 23–24 October 2019. The objective of the conference is to share the latest research in the areas of power electronics, electrical drives, renewable energy, modeling and control systems.
CENCON 2019 is sponsored by the IEEE Malaysia Power Electronics (PEL) Chapter. The organizing committee comprises of members from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. A team of International Advisory Committee comprises of experts in renewable energy, power electronics and drive systems. The conference program will feature technical paper presentations and technical exhibition. Papers that are accepted and presented papers at the conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and will be included in IEEE Xplore digital library ISBN 978-1-5090-2948-8 (subject to the approval of the IEEE Technical Program Committee) and hence indexed in SCOPUS. We are glad to inform that the previous 2014, 2015 and 2017 conference proceedings are already included in IEEEXplore digital library and SCOPUS.
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